Blog Posts

How to Use a Power of Attorney

What is a Power of Attorney? What Should You do if You are Named as a Power of Attorney? What Should You do if a Power of Attorney is Rejected?     What is a Power of Attorney? A durable power of attorney is a simple legal document where you choose who will manage your […]

Seattle Income Tax: What it Means for You

You may have heard about the new Seattle Income tax of 2.25%. If you are wondering what the tax means for you, here are answers to some common questions about the tax: Who will be required to pay the income tax? The tax only applies to Seattle residents. Additionally, only married couples earning more than […]

Top 10 Questions Asked at a First Consult for Divorce

One of the heaviest doors to open is the one that leads to your first meeting with a divorce lawyer. In addition to all the emotional stress of separating from your life partner, there are usually an endless number of questions about the path you are about to travel. Having met with countless clients who […]

US Supreme Court Unanimously Rules for Veteran in Family Law Case

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously handed a victory to veterans when it decided Howell v. Howell, No. 15-1031. The case involved an Air Force veteran, who was divorced from his former wife more than 25 years ago. Anticipating the husband’s future retirement, the divorce decree awarded 50% of his retirement benefits to the […]

Trade Secrets – A Primer

The protection of trade secrets is a growing topic of concern for our clients. These situations don’t usually involve elaborate thefts but rather concerns of misuse by former employees. This primer is designed to help both employers and departing employees better understand trade secret concerns. This is not legal advice, but a guide to prompt […]

Estate Tax Planning for Married Non-US Citizens Residing in the US

Living in Washington state, you may face two estate taxes when you die: a Washington estate tax and a federal estate tax. If you are married and have a non-US citizen spouse, you may need to consider special estate tax planning as part of your estate plan to reduce these estate taxes. Washington estate taxes […]

Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Recognizes Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation as Prohibited by Title VII

The federal appellate courts across the United States have nearly unanimously held that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation was not prohibited under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  Of the 13 appellate courts in the United States, the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, and Eleventh Circuit Courts of […]

Real Estate Syndication Explained

In its most basic form, the real estate syndication is the solicitation and pooling of multiple investor’s money to acquire an existing asset or develop a new project and distribute the profits (or losses) to the investors and the syndicators. The person organizing and syndicating the Project is commonly referred to as the sponsor.  The […]

What to Know When Hiring a Nanny

As childcare for newborns and young children becomes more expensive families may find they can hire a nanny (or nanny share) for a comparable cost as daycare. Parts of a nanny or nanny share are very convenient – location, child to caretaker ratio, no stressful waiting list etc. However, the paperwork involved in hiring a […]