News & Resources

Recent News and Educational Resources from Reed Longyear

Happy Holidays from Reed Longyear!

The challenges of 2021 were significant, and we all became accustomed to seeing each other through screens. Here is a collection of photos of our attorneys and staff doing something we enjoyed this year. We look forward to a safe and healthy new year. 

Alternate Valuation Dates

An alternate valuation date can reduce estate tax liability. If you have money invested in the stock market, you are well aware of potential volatility. Needless to say, this volatility can affect your net worth, thus affecting your lifestyle. Something you might not think about is the potential effect on your estate tax liability. Specifically, […]

Contingent Beneficiaries in Your Estate Planning

Although your Will or Revocable Trust governs the distribution of many or most of your assets, certain assets — such as retirement plans, insurance policies, and bank or brokerage accounts — require you to name a beneficiary. This can be an advantage, because when you die the funds can pass directly to your beneficiary without […]

Estate Planning and Your Art Collection

If you are an art collector, it is critical for your estate plan to address your collection separately from other types of assets. Investments in artwork may be motivated in part by financial gain, but for most collectors the primary motivation is a passion for the art itself. As a result, managing these assets involves […]

A New State Capital Gains Tax

Earlier this year, Washington’s legislature passed Senate Bill 5096, which was signed by Governor Jay Inslee on May 4, 2021, and has since been codified under RCW 82.87. Starting on January 1, 2022, the new law imposes a 7% capital gains tax on annual federal long-term capital gains in excess of $250,000. The new tax […]

Unsolicited Probate Advertisements

Heirs or beneficiaries of a probate estate may receive unsolicited mailings or other advertisements offering to provide cash advances, purchase property interests, or other services. Some advertisements use information gleaned from public court records or mimic formatting similar to official documents to persuade the public to contact the company and to lend the advertisement a […]

Announcing Reed Longyear Malnati Corwin & Burnett, PLLC

We are excited to announce that our firm is updating our name to Reed Longyear Malnati Corwin & Burnett, PLLC in recognition of two of our outstanding and dedicated members. Christina Corwin joined our firm in 2003 and continues to enrich her extensive experience guiding parties through Family Law mediation, litigation, and collaborative law processes. […]

Congratulations to Reed Longyear Attorneys selected as Super Lawyers or Rising Stars in Washington for 2021

It is with great honor that we recognize the attorneys at our firm who have been selected as Super Lawyers or Rising Stars in Washington for 2021! We are pleased to announce the following attorneys have been selected for inclusion in the 2021 Washington Super Lawyers and Rising Star selection: Michael LongyearSuper Lawyer, 2003-2010 2014-2021 […]

IRA’s One Year After the SECURE Act

Just over one year into the SECURE Act, and it is still not common knowledge that inherited IRA’s by non-excepted beneficiaries on or after January 1, 2020, require full distribution within 10 (ten) years and can no longer be “stretched out” over the person’s lifetime. Reed Longyear Malnati & Ahrens, PLLC – Attorney Joshua M. […]

Electronic Wills in Washington…Coming Soon!

                Washington’s Uniform Electronic Wills Act (“the Act,” SB 5132-2021-22, sections 1001-1016) was recently signed into law and will become effective January 1, 2022. The Act brings significant and welcome changes to a world still in a pandemic, but like other new laws it also raises questions.                 The current law in Washington requires that […]