Seattle Family Law Mediators
Having your family’s private matters decided in court can be incredibly stressful. At Reed Longyear, our friendly and knowledgeable Family Law attorneys will make you feel comfortable from the very start and help you determine your best of course of action. We take a big picture outlook on each case in order to determine how to proceed efficiently from start to finish, then assist you through each detailed step.
Divorce Mediation
Why is mediation a popular choice in resolving divorce issues? Parties choose mediation because it is:
- Efficient
- Less Expensive
- Confidential
- Amicable
- A Voluntary Out of Court Process
Call our mediation department at (206) 624-6271 to set up a pre-mediation conference.
Proactive Planning, Sensible Solutions
There are many options available to you depending on your individual needs, goals and finances. If you are seeking mediation, full legal representation or a one-time consultation to help mitigate unnecessary legal costs, we are here to help.
Operating in the Greater Seattle area for over 60 years, Reed Longyear is a law firm you can trust with your family law needs. Call us today at (206) 624-6271.